Now you can prevent diabetes type 22020-12-07T18:13:53+02:00

We are engaged in active work to reduce the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with diabetes


Obesity recognized as a chronic disease

By |13 October, 2021|

European Union classifies obesity as a chronic disease  The European Commission has just listed obesity as a chronic and recurrent disease that, in turn, acts as a gateway to other non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes, [...]

Diabetes and Alzheimer

By |29 January, 2021|

Diabetes y Alzheimer, did you know? Professionally, there are some things that I find very striking; I would even say that they annoy me. And that frustrate me. Or something halfway between discomfort and [...]

More than 415 million people
suffer from diabetes worldwide 

Many of them, still do not know it.

Try DIABETESprevent, your mobile app to prevent and manage type 2 diabetes


You can also visit the web-version 

Prevent type 2 diabetes in 3 steps: