Home > Archivos por June 2017

Cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes

Cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes When it comes to establish an association between cardiovascular risk and type 2 diabetes, scientific evidence is conclusive. Both, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes already have epidemic dimension and are among the main causes of death. If you have type 2 diabetes your body does [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:10+02:0022 June, 2017|Categories: Diabetes prevention|

Why does obesity produce type 2 diabetes?

Why does obesity produce type 2 diabetes? Obesity and overweight are main risk factors for type 2 diabetes. The relationship between these pathologies is so close that we start talking of diabesity. How does obesity lead to type 2 diabetes? And more important, how can we prevent it? Prevalence of obesity and type [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:11+02:009 June, 2017|Categories: Diabetes prevention|
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