Home > Archivos por October 2017

The Spanish city of Murcia leads the battle against type 2 diabetes with DIABETESprevent

The Spanish city of Murcia leads the battle against type 2 diabetes with DIABETESprevent The city of Murcia, Spanish town with a growing population of 440,000, leads the battle against type 2 diabetes launching a program called “Murcia Diabetes Prevent”, using the innovating Patia prevention program DIABETESprevent that includes an integral system of genomics [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:06+02:0027 October, 2017|Categories: Diabetes prevention, News|

If the vending machine hates you, hate it back!

If the vending machine hates you, hate it back! The presence of the so-called “vending machines” has grown exponentially in the last three decades. Nevertheless, despite its possibilities the inside content tends to be the unhealthiest stuff we may find. Vending machines usually gather in a small place many products with little nutritional [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:07+02:003 October, 2017|Categories: Nutrition|
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