New features in DIABETESprevent app with specific advice during coronavirus crisis

The main goal for a person with diabetes is to maintain blood glucose values in normal ranges

recommendations for people with diabetes

The emergence of the coronavirus around the world has made a huge difference to all aspects of our lives. In the specific case of people with diabetes, it is important to know the main recommendations we should follow..

Glucose fluctuations compromise the immune system and make the viral infection more difficult to treat. Covid-19 tends to progress in an environment of high glucose. This, in addition to the complications of diabetes, makes it difficult to fight the coronavirus and probably leads to a longer recovery period.

DIABETESprevent app helps you to keep accurate track and keep your measurements at the right levels (glucose, weight, calories eaten/burned, etc).


 Specific recommendations

  • Keep frequent glucose checks.
  • Maintain a high-protein diet.
  • Regularly monitor your body temperature.
  • Remain hydrated.
  • Follow your medical and pharmacological treatment.
  • Make sure you have a good supply of the diabetes medications you need. Think what you would need if you had to quarantine yourself for a few weeks.
  • Follow your measurements.
  • Make sure you have all relevant contact details to hand in case you need them.

The app is available on the App Store and Google play

DIABETESprevent is the health app for the prevention and control of diabetes developed by the genomics company PATIA. The download of this new version is available in App Store and Google Play.

DIABETESprevent facilitates the monitoring of glucose measurements, helps to keep in the right weight, as well as to follow relevant data, also the motivation and the intervention towards healthy life habits. The combination of a healthy diet with physical activity guidelines is key in the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes. Follow your progress through graphs with all relevant measurements for optimal pathology control.

Any infection raises glucose levels and increases the need for fluids. It is important to consult a health professional if symptoms appear such as high temperature, cough or difficulty in breathing. If coughing is accompanied by phlegm, it may indicate an infection, so medical assistance and treatment should be required immediately. It is also essential to follow a nutritionally rich diet because it helps to maintain normoglycemic values.

covid-19 diabetes

Physical activity

It is important to keep maintaining daily physical activity, because it is crucial to be at normoglycemic levels. In Juan Revenga’s last post he talks about all this and recommends several exercises adapted to all levels. You can read it here.
Each case has its own particularities, but there are alternatives so that we can all meet our daily physical activity requirements, finding the what best suits you.

Healthy diet

It is important to continue to eat a healthy. Adequate protein intake helps to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Check with your nutritionist or doctor to find out what is better for you. In our blog, you will see the best advice for planning your diet.
DIABETESprevent helps you to keep track of your physical activity challenges, automatically calculate the Body Mass Index, follow all your evolutions through graphs with weight measurements, record the steps walked, the calories eaten and burned, and control your glucose levels, and biometric markers. All the follow-up of your measurements in a visual and useful way for the control of the diabetes.
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Patia DIabetes

Because your health and your family's health are very important, in Patia we work to reduce the cases of diabetes worldwide and we offer tools to achieve this. If you want to make an inquiry, we'd love to help.