DIABETESprevent new version: Nutrition and personalized diets

DIABETESprevent new version is already available. It has many new issues in nutrition. This version adds new motivational tools regarding healthy lifestyle: personalized diets, nutrition advices, weekly menu planner, simple recipes and useful shopping list.

With DIABETESprevent new version we are to help you making the menu choices and cooking your healthy dishes. Cooking is basic for a healthy diet. This is why we´ve incorporated this newness to get along with a healthy food intake, based in the Mediterranean diet, and also to encourage cooking your own meals.

DIABETESprevent will give you tasty ideas to practice while cooking and improving your healthy diet.

Nueva versión DIABETESprevent: Nutrición dietas personalizadas

How to update you DIABETESprevent app?

Updating DIABETESprevent app is easy. You´d had an update warning, anyway you can also download the new update by clicking these links android and iOS

To access these new options, specially planning your personalized diets, you just have to fill out your profile and complete a short questionnaire to set up your personalized menus, and get them adapted to your own requirements.


To do that:

  • Access “MI PROFILE” o click you profile photo.
  • Fill out ALL the fields (age, weight, height …) and HABITS

Important note: fill out ALL your profile boxes.

DIABETESprevent new version:


  • Make your menus and diets tighten to your own nutritional needs (according to your physical features).

  • Offers personalizes recommendations for breakfast, morning or afternoon snacks, etc. and includes feedback from our nutritionists.



  • For the main meals, lunch and dinner, the app offers two courses adapted for the needs of your diet.

  • The app includes all recipes for the menus. Our nutritionist had described dozens recipes to make an well balanced diet for you.



  • Depending on your weekly selection diet you could check the shopping list, and so avoid the products you don´t need.

All this issues appear visually friendly and are intuitive. In just one screen you can overseeing your physical activity and the progress of your challenges. Besides you can manage your healthy menus, record all your intakes and modify your profile using all your electronic devices.

Patia has developed DIABETESprevent to get along with you healthy lifestyle guidelines to prevent diabetes type 2. There is also an optional pedometer.

Remember, a healthy lifestyle considering a well-balanced diet and the practice of moderate exercise is the best way to prevent obesity and diabetes type 2.

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Porque tu salud y la salud de tu familia son muy importantes, en Patia trabajamos para reducir los casos de diabetes en el mundo y ofrecemos herramientas que ayuden a conseguirlo. Si quieres hacernos una consulta, nos encantará ayudarte.