Physical activity against sedentarism and childhood obesity

Beside negative eating habits, sedentarism is one of the main risk factors for obesity and type 2 diabetes in both children and adolescents. Daily physical activity levels are far below the recommended guidelines, meanwhile screen time is increasing. How much physical activity do children and adolescents need to keep them healthy?

Actividad física sedentarismo niños

Drink water, keep healthy diets (see 4 golden rules) and physical activity are a need for prevention of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Recommended guidelines against sedentarism includes limited screen time, which is one of childhood sedentarism causes.


Healthy physical activity standards for childhood and adolescents

Healthy physical activity standards for childhood and adolescents includes guidelines to reduce sedentarism, restrict time spent in front screens, and other to increase daily energy spend, such as walking or bike rather than using school bus or car transportation. These recommendations are aware of both age and type of recommended activity, also playful media time.

Physical activity sedentarism childhood obesity

Recording our activity is helpful to keep on physical healthy habits. There are digital apps for that, such as DIABETESprevent, the Patia app you may synchro with Google Fit, Apple Health kit, or Patia pedometer.

Download DIABETESprevent app! and start to set up your healthy challenges.

Sedentarism can seriously harm childhood health and quality of life. Teaching healthy lifestyle habits since childhood is vital for prevention of obesity. Tinny routines such as walk to school, climbing stairs or play on the streets bring in physical activity in their daily lives and set a healthy pattern since childhood … very likely they love the idea!

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Itziar M. Ceberio

Social Media y Comunicación de Patia. Escribo sobre estilo de vida saludable, consejos, recetas e ideas para llevar una vida activa y sana. Consejos que pongo en práctica en primera persona, porque me preocupa mi salud y la de mi familia.