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About Patia DIabetes

Because your health and your family's health are very important, in Patia we work to reduce the cases of diabetes worldwide and we offer tools to achieve this. If you want to make an inquiry, we'd love to help.

COVID-19 & Diabetes: the dangerous interaction of two pandemics

The dangerous interaction between COVID-19 and type 2 diabetes "Observational data indicate that patients with diabetes are at greater risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection, severe illness and death from COVID-19 than patients without diabetes" Advances in Motion  Mayo, 2020. Type 2 diabetes is associated with an increased risk of serious complications or death if you [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:13:54+02:0024 June, 2020|Categories: COVID-19, Diabetes prevention|

New Covid-19 features in DIABETESprevent app

New features in DIABETESprevent app with specific advice during coronavirus crisis The main goal for a person with diabetes is to maintain blood glucose values in normal ranges The emergence of the coronavirus around the world has made a huge difference to all aspects of our lives. In the specific case of people with [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:13:55+02:007 April, 2020|Categories: COVID-19, COVID-19, Diabetes prevention, DIABETESprevent APP|Tags: , |

World Diabetes Day: protect your family

Diabetes: Protect Your Family World Diabetes Day is the largest diabetes awareness campaign in the world. It reaches a global audience of more than one billion people in 165 countries and this year's theme is "Family and Diabetes". Any disease affects many more people than those who are strictly diagnosed. Family members are usually [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:13:59+02:0011 November, 2019|Categories: Diabetes prevention|

PATIA: Pioneering T2D and GDM prevention and intervention

Pioneering genetics for prevention and treatment of Type 2 Diabetes and GDM at the EASD2019  "A new era in the treatment of people diagnosed with diabetes is opened by providing precise recommendations to act on lifestyle with the information of our genes. The patient is our target. Public health, our goal," MD. PhD. Mirella Zulueta,  Medical [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:13:59+02:0011 September, 2019|Categories: Diabetes prevention, News|

Genetics contributes more than obesity to the development of type 2 diabetes

Genetics contributes more than obesity to the development of type 2 diabetes READ REPORT Results of a study with more than 7,000 people were published in Scientific Reports, a Nature Research Journal. DIABETESpredict will be commercialized in selected reference laboratories in the U.S. This is the world's largest study examining the contribution [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:00+02:0026 February, 2019|Categories: Diabetes prevention, News|

Food industry unites for the first time with biotech companies and hospitals to create solutions in the prevention of gestational diabetes

Food industry unites for the first time with biotech companies and hospitals to create solutions in the prevention of gestational diabetes Led by Patia Europe, the hub of Spanish food companies, tech and biotechnology companies was presented on 14th November, the International Diabetes Day. Gestational diabetes (GDM), which affects 10% of pregnancies in [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:00+02:0015 November, 2018|Categories: Diabetes prevention|

The ADA Conference endorses Patia’s prevention program

The American Diabetes Association´s 78th scientific sessions highlights the results of Patia's type 2 diabetes prevention program at Mexico biggest financial corporation The American Diabetes Association (ADA), one of the most active and prestigious worldwide, has included Patia´s Late Breakthrough Discovery supporting Patia's thesis on the relevance of genetics in early detection of [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:01+02:0025 June, 2018|Categories: Diabetes prevention, News|

Identifying people at risk is key in preventing type 2 diabetes

On Diabetes World Day 2017, Professor Jaakko Tuomilehto, together with Dr. Roberto Tapia Canyer and Dr. Fajardo Dolci, gave a master class at the Medical School of the University of Mexico, UAM under the title “The Relevance of Genetics in Early Detection of Type 2 Diabetes”.  Tuomilehto underlined genetics as key tool in curbing [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:06+02:0016 November, 2017|Categories: Diabetes prevention|

How to prevent type 2 diabetes?

How to prevent type 2 diabetes? Type 2 Diabetes can be prevented. One of the main risk causes of type 2 Diabetes is obesity, the growing number of obesity cases in our society has shoot up type 2 Diabetes worldwide. Type 2 Diabetes is the most common kind of diabetes (close to 90% [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:06+02:0016 November, 2017|Categories: Diabetes prevention|
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