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PATIA: Pioneering T2D and GDM prevention and intervention

Pioneering genetics for prevention and treatment of Type 2 Diabetes and GDM at the EASD2019  "A new era in the treatment of people diagnosed with diabetes is opened by providing precise recommendations to act on lifestyle with the information of our genes. The patient is our target. Public health, our goal," MD. PhD. Mirella Zulueta,  Medical [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:13:59+02:0011 September, 2019|Categories: Diabetes prevention, News|

Well done! diabetes control in the USA

Slowing the incidence and prevalence of diabetes in the U.S. Does the impossible come true? A recent study shows that new diagnoses of diabetes in the United States have decreased by 35 percent since the 2008 peak. This could be the first sign of usefulness of all efforts to curb the epidemic Against the [...]

Genetics contributes more than obesity to the development of type 2 diabetes

Genetics contributes more than obesity to the development of type 2 diabetes READ REPORT Results of a study with more than 7,000 people were published in Scientific Reports, a Nature Research Journal. DIABETESpredict will be commercialized in selected reference laboratories in the U.S. This is the world's largest study examining the contribution [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:00+02:0026 February, 2019|Categories: Diabetes prevention, News|

The ADA Conference endorses Patia’s prevention program

The American Diabetes Association´s 78th scientific sessions highlights the results of Patia's type 2 diabetes prevention program at Mexico biggest financial corporation The American Diabetes Association (ADA), one of the most active and prestigious worldwide, has included Patia´s Late Breakthrough Discovery supporting Patia's thesis on the relevance of genetics in early detection of [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:01+02:0025 June, 2018|Categories: Diabetes prevention, News|

The Spanish city of Murcia leads the battle against type 2 diabetes with DIABETESprevent

The Spanish city of Murcia leads the battle against type 2 diabetes with DIABETESprevent The city of Murcia, Spanish town with a growing population of 440,000, leads the battle against type 2 diabetes launching a program called “Murcia Diabetes Prevent”, using the innovating Patia prevention program DIABETESprevent that includes an integral system of genomics [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:06+02:0027 October, 2017|Categories: Diabetes prevention, News|

From obesity to type 2 diabetes and vice versa

From obesity to type 2 diabetes and vice versa Under Tackling Obesity Together slogan, the seventh edition of the European Obesity Day will take place this coming May 20th. It brings people together to raise awareness and increase knowledge about obesity. According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) data, more than half [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:11+02:008 May, 2017|Categories: Diabetes prevention, News|
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