Setting your DIABETESprevent challenge: steps and recommended times

To prevent obesity and diabetes type 2, keeping a healthy weight is clue, to reach this goal we shall keep an active life, and do moderate exercise. It is a challenge we shall pursue together, and with DIABETESprevent app we can do it. Let´s see how.

Achieving your exercise goals is easier and funnier using apps that follow up your daily activity. Three of the easier ways to go ahead with the follow up of your physical activity are:

  • Synchronize your Patia pedometer
  • Using your smartphone with Google Fit (android) or Apple Health Kit (iOS)
  • Using bracelets like Fitbit, Runkeeper or Withing.

Whatever is your choice just have to synchro DIABETESprevent app selecting your option at the DEVICES section in the main menu (You can watch how to synchro your devices in this post.

What’s next? Set up your healthy challenge in DIABETESprevent main screen, click on the setting icon to get into “Set your challenge” section:

Pasos y tiempo recomendados

Pasos y tiempo recomendados

Enter your data here, enter your age in recommended steps per day table:

setting your DIABETESprevent app challenge

Depending on the type of exercise you practice, and the time you put into it, you´ll reach different goals:

setting your DIABETESprevent app challenge

Check often during the daytime the progression of your challenge. In case there is a little left to reach your daily goal, try to get down the bus before your regular stop, avoid the lifter and walk the steps up, or just give yourself a present and get out for a little walk at the end of the day!

You can get to know more DIABETESprevent functions in this video.

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Porque tu salud y la salud de tu familia son muy importantes, en Patia trabajamos para reducir los casos de diabetes en el mundo y ofrecemos herramientas que ayuden a conseguirlo. Si quieres hacernos una consulta, nos encantará ayudarte.