How to recover your DIABETESprevent app password?

You are already using DIABETESprevent app. However, it could happen that once you log out and want to log back in you may have forgotten the password you used at the time of the DIABETESprevent app first registration.

Follow this tutorial steps and you´ll get the password active back again in a few minutes. You can do it both at the web platform and the app.


Once you are inside the app, or the web platform you´ll see the registration form.

Below you´ll see

  1. Did you forget your password? Click “recover password”
  2. Write your email address (the same one you used when you first register at the app)
  3. Click SEND
  4. Check your email where you´ll find the link: reset your password here.
  5. This link takes you to the reset password service. It will ask you for a new password. Click ACCEPT.

You are ready to get back to log in DIABETESprevent.

Any question or issue contact the Patia team here

Cómo recuperar la contraseña de la app DIABETESprevent

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Porque tu salud y la salud de tu familia son muy importantes, en Patia trabajamos para reducir los casos de diabetes en el mundo y ofrecemos herramientas que ayuden a conseguirlo. Si quieres hacernos una consulta, nos encantará ayudarte.