On Diabetes World Day 2017, Professor Jaakko Tuomilehto, together with Dr. Roberto Tapia Canyer and Dr. Fajardo Dolci, gave a master class at the Medical School of the University of Mexico, UAM under the title “The Relevance of Genetics in Early Detection of Type 2 Diabetes”.  Tuomilehto underlined genetics as key tool in curbing the diabetes pandemic.

jaakko tuomilehto genética prevenir diabetes 2During his speech, Prof. Tuomilehto stressed that early identification of people at risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes is priceless as a measure of prevention of type 2 diabetes. Indicating the determinant value of the genetic risk test as a key tool for the prevention of type 2 diabetes. An effective tool, undoubtedly, if apply to public prevention plans.

Besides, Professor Tuomilehto has underlined the relevance of early detection, plus the effectiveness of support tools included in DIABETESprevent program (mobile app +wearables) that motivates towards intervention (healthy diet+ physical activity) to prevent type 2 diabetes.

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Patia DIabetes

Because your health and your family's health are very important, in Patia we work to reduce the cases of diabetes worldwide and we offer tools to achieve this. If you want to make an inquiry, we'd love to help.