Professor Tuomilehto highlights DIABETESprevent as a key tool in prevention of type 2 diabetes

Professor Dr. Jaakko Tuomilehto, expert in diabetes, underlines the relevance of DIABETESprevent as a key tool in prevention of type 2 diabetes worldwide. During his presentation – at the 53rd Annual Congress of European Studies for Diabetes, EASD 2017, Lisbon- Professor Tuomilehto has pointed out the value of genetic risk test DIABETESprevent for the early detection of people at risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Professor Dr. Jaakko Tuomilehto, a world expert in diabetes, has presented DIABETESprevent, in the framework of the 53rd Annual Congress of European Studies for Diabetes, September 11th to 15th in Lisbon.

Jaakko Tuomilehto DIABETESprevent

“Identifying people at risk is key in preventing type 2 diabetes”

During the presentation, Dr. Tuomilehto stated that prevention is shown as the most effective tool in public policies to combat obesity and type 2 diabetes. In this regard, during the presentation he stressed that the early identification of people at risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes is priceless as a measure of prevention of type 2 diabetes. Indicating the determinant value of the genetic risk test as a key tool for the prevention of type 2 diabetes. An effective tool, undoubtedly, if apply to public prevention plans.

“Patia has gather the highest predictive variants, and through the intervention in the lifestyle, to develop plans of prevention in public health.”

Jaakko Tuomilehto DIABETESprevent

Besides, professor Tuomilehto has underlined the relevance of early detection, plus de effectiveness of support tools included in DIABETESprevent program (mobil app +wearables) because of motivation impulse towards intervention (healthy diet+physical activity) to prevent type 2 diabetes.)

“Patia´s test allows us to identify these individuals and know where we should point, whether in diet or exercise”.

Professor Tuomilehto has gone a step further and has explained that we can provided lines of diet or exercise depending on the genetic variants of risk each individual has:

“The sooner the better. DIABETESprevent allows the interventions using digital tools (mobile app+wearables)”.

DIABETESprevent program

Developed by Patia the prevention program has combined genotyping tools, wearables and a mobile app to create DIABETESprevent, a forefront type 2 diabetes prevention and intervention device. Developed in collaboration with scientist and endocrinologist at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard (Cambridge, USA) and The Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston, USA).

53RD Annual meeting of the European Society of Diabetes Studies (EASD2017)

Jaakko Tuomilehto DIABETESprevent

The 53rd Annual Conference of the EASD brings together the most prestigious and recognized scientists in diabetes. The goal of the EASD is to reinforce and support the most advanced research on diabetes and to promote the new generations of leaders in the research of this disease that has become a 21st century pandemic with profound consequences both for individuals who may suffer as well as for the public health systems that face the increasing expenses to alleviate its effects.

Professor Dr. Jaakko Tuomilehto is head of the Science Department of the Dasman Diabetes Institute of Kuwait, member of the scientific board of Patia Diabetes and creator of the FINDRISC test.

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Patia DIabetes

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