The Spanish city of Murcia leads the battle against type 2 diabetes with DIABETESprevent

The city of Murcia, Spanish town with a growing population of 440,000, leads the battle against type 2 diabetes launching a program called “Murcia Diabetes Prevent”, using the innovating Patia prevention program DIABETESprevent that includes an integral system of genomics medicine and a complete mobile app enable motivation and intervention of diet and physical exercise.

Murcia DIABETESprevent

Murcia City Hall, the University of Murcia and Patia joint together toward genetic early detection of individuals at risk of type 2 diabetes, a pandemic of 21st Century.

At the media City Hall presentation, José Ballesta, Mayor of Murcia, said “Murcia is the first city in Spain setting up innovative technologies and genetics in the battle against type 2 diabetes, a public health service to prevent and intervene, allowing early detection of individuals at risk of this pathology and obesity.”

DIABETESprevent: integrates genetic test, mobile app and wearable devices

murcia diabetes preventThe prevention program starts with a sample of 100 individuals (50 adults and 50 children). Patia´s genetic test analyses 16 SNPS in 16 genes, associated to type 2 diabetes risk.

Murcia Diabetes Prevent program integrates genetics, pedometer, mobile app and web-based app and games enable motivation, intervention and monitoring of diet and physical exercise.

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Patia DIabetes

Because your health and your family's health are very important, in Patia we work to reduce the cases of diabetes worldwide and we offer tools to achieve this. If you want to make an inquiry, we'd love to help.