Sweeteners, Obesity and Diabetes (II): Sweeteners and Type 2 Diabetes

As we said in the previous post beyond the possible explanations and results that offer doubts about the suitability of sweeteners as an alternative to sugar, other studies have recently been published that directly relate its extensive use with type 2 diabetes in this second part, we discuss the implications of this pathology.

Let have a look at some publications that mention sweeteners and their relationship to type 2 diabetes:

In summary

It is difficult to contrast a paradigm shift as important as the one we are witnessing with sweeteners. Initially placed in a privileged place regarding its use as an ally for health, at present, and at the stroke of publication, we are witnessing a 180º turn in a very forceful way. As a corollary, it is worth bringing the reflections of the study titled Physiological mechanisms by which non-nutritive sweeteners may impact body weight and metabolism in which it is noticed that, despite previous image of sweeteners, those are not inert elements, and that we must keep in mind it, continue to study the biological mechanisms by which consumption of this sweeteners affect the balance of energy, the metabolic function effects, the perception of the sweet receptors inside and outside the oral cavity, the hormonal effects with metabolic repercussions, the cognitive processes (learning, reward, memory and taste) and the intestinal microbia.

Edulcorantes y diabetes tipo 2

Despite all the above this is not a settled issue. The current point of view is that, when it comes to pointing them out sweeteners are increasingly cornered and seen a more as a risk than as a healthy option.

As stated in Review of the nutritional benefits and risks related to intense sweeteners published by the French Food Agency (ANSES):

The goal of reducing sugar intake levels should be achieved through a reduction in sweet-tasting foods generally at an early age. It should therefore be recommended that artificially sweetened beverages and sweetened soft drinks should not be consumed as a substitute for water

Note: It is necessary to thank in this post the previous work of other colleagues, and, in this case, the one of Luis Jiménez (@centinel5051) and his recommended blog “Lo que dice la ciencia para adelgazar

Juan Revenga, Dietitian-nutritionist.

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I am Dietician-Nutritionist and Biologist from the University of Navarra and I practice the profession of dietician-nutritionist and as professor at San Jorge University. I am also a collaborator in different media in the fields of nutrition, food and health . I am member of the Spanish Foundation for Dietitians and Nutritionists (FEDN), and part of both its Scientific Committee and its Technical Advisory Committee. I have been president and founder of the Professional College of Aragon D-N (CPDNA). I am an active user of social media. You can follow me on twitter (@juan_revenga) or Facebook.