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It´s not a good idea to replace fruit with juices

Juice concentrates more sugar than fruit  Despite industry marketing pressure, daily or frequent consumpiton of fruit juices is not recommended, even if it is homemade. And much less if it is diabetes around. The inclusion of juices in the diet on a regular basis, is associated with a worse health prognosis. At least [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:13:59+02:009 December, 2019|Categories: Diabetes prevention, Healthy eating, Nutrition|Tags: , , , , |

Sweeteners, weight, diabetes and health: many doubts and few certainties

Sweeteners, weight, diabetes and health: many doubts and few certainties Caloric sweeteners have been proposed as a solution to a problem: the omnipresence of sugar. But their use today remains controversial because in addition to solving little or nothing, they may be the source of not a few problems. At this point we discover [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:13:59+02:0011 November, 2019|Categories: Diabetes prevention, Healthy eating, Nutrition|Tags: , , |

Well done! diabetes control in the USA

Slowing the incidence and prevalence of diabetes in the U.S. Does the impossible come true? A recent study shows that new diagnoses of diabetes in the United States have decreased by 35 percent since the 2008 peak. This could be the first sign of usefulness of all efforts to curb the epidemic Against the [...]

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