Home > Archivos por Juan Revenga

About Juan Revenga

Me formé como Dietista-Nutricionista y Biólogo en la Universidad de Navarra. Ejerzo la profesión de Dietista-Nutricionista como consultor, una actividad con la que me encuentro plenamente identificado y que practico en virtud de la evidencia científica más actual. Compagino mi trabajo en la Universidad San Jorge como profesor en la Facultad de CC. de la Salud, con labores de divulgación en materia de nutrición, alimentación y salud en distintos medios de comunicación. Soy miembro de la Fundación Española de Dietistas-Nutricionistas (FEDN), formo parte tanto de su Comité Científico como de su Comité Técnico Asesor y he sido presidente y fundador del Colegio Profesional de D-N de Aragón (CPDNA). Soy un activo usuario de las redes sociales y si quieres me puedes seguir en twitter (@juan_revenga) o en Facebook.

New hopes of a cure for type 2 diabetes

New hopes of a cure for type 2 diabetes Recent research provides a glimmer of hope not only for the dietary treatment of type 2 diabetes, something we were already familiar with, but also for its cure. Type 2 diabetes has traditionally been considered a chronic and incurable disease with treatment focussed on [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:16+02:0016 September, 2016|Categories: Diabetes prevention|

Hydration, calories and diabetes: a dangerous triangle

Hydration, calories and diabetes: a dangerous triangle Today we drink more than forty years ago. Despite this our water intake remains similar at the same time that insufficient. Seems quite evident that our hydration patterns have changed and with it also, probably, our risk to suffer several metabolic diseases. Summer: that time of [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:17+02:0019 July, 2016|Categories: Diabetes prevention|

Cook more to eat better

Cook more to eat better Every time we cook less. The progressive loss of culinary skills has worsened the quality of our diet and has increased the figures of obesity in the population. It has shown that cooking is a key tool for improving dietary habits and with them the prognosis of health. Few [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:19+02:0010 May, 2016|Categories: Nutrition|

The fruit (of discord) in a healthy diet

A decontextualised reading about some of the current trends in dietetic research casts a shadow of doubt over the eating of fruit. Are we doing the right thing by eliminating fruit from our diet just because it contains sugar? The answer is 'no', and I'll tell you why in this post. That we should [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:22+02:008 April, 2016|Categories: Nutrition|

4 golden rules to eat healthy

4 golden rules to eat well As indicated in a previous article, the most up-to-date recommendations to eat healthily and prevent the risk of suffering from type 2 diabetes are very similar, if not identical, to those dietary recommendations offered to patients diagnosed with diabetes. To devise a dietary routine for main meals in [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:22+02:0022 March, 2016|Categories: Nutrition|
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