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Sweeteners, obesity and diabetes (i): the siege narrows

Sweeteners, obesity and diabetes (i): the siege narrows It has been long time ago that sweeteners have postulated as a healthy option instead of sugar. However, up to date, a growing corpse of evidence points that far from an innocuous substitute sweeteners could be rather harmful. Our biology has an instinctive, atavistic, tendency [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:12+02:008 March, 2017|Categories: Diabetes prevention, Nutrition|

More healthy fats and fewer carbohydrates to reduce type 2 diabetes risk

More healthy fats and fewer carbohydrates to reduce type 2 diabetes risk Including more unsaturated fats, shifting consumption of saturated fats and carbohydrates in the diet helps to reduce blood sugar and insulin levels, also contribute to prevent type 2 diabetes and helps its treatment. The worldwide number of people suffering from type 2 [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:12+02:008 March, 2017|Categories: Diabetes prevention, Healthy eating, Nutrition|

Personalized diets with the new version of our DIABETESprevent app

Personalized diets with the new version of our DIABETESprevent app The new version of DIABETESprevent is now available, with important innovations in the nutrition section, new features that will inspire you and make it easier to follow a healthy diet: Personalized diets, a practical weekly menu planner with their respective recipes and the shopping [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:12+02:002 March, 2017|Categories: Diabetes prevention|

DIABETESprevent genetic risk test result

DIABETESprevent genetic risk test result Diabetes type 2 is a preventable disease. An early identification of the genetic risk to diabetes type 2 allows to intervene avoiding the pathology development and further worsening. Hitherto type 2 diabetes was a pathology connected to adult age, but the increasing incidence in younger populations makes [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:12+02:002 March, 2017|Categories: Diabetes prevention|

DIABETESprevent new version: Nutrition and personalized diets

DIABETESprevent new version: Nutrition and personalized diets DIABETESprevent new version is already available. It has many new issues in nutrition. This version adds new motivational tools regarding healthy lifestyle: personalized diets, nutrition advices, weekly menu planner, simple recipes and useful shopping list. With DIABETESprevent new version we are to help you making the [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:12+02:002 March, 2017|Categories: Diabetes prevention, DIABETESprevent APP|

Setting your DIABETESprevent challenge: steps and recommended times

Setting your DIABETESprevent challenge: steps and recommended times To prevent obesity and diabetes type 2, keeping a healthy weight is clue, to reach this goal we shall keep an active life, and do moderate exercise. It is a challenge we shall pursue together, and with DIABETESprevent app we can do it. Let´s see how. [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:15+02:0025 November, 2016|Categories: Diabetes prevention, DIABETESprevent APP|

New hopes of a cure for type 2 diabetes

New hopes of a cure for type 2 diabetes Recent research provides a glimmer of hope not only for the dietary treatment of type 2 diabetes, something we were already familiar with, but also for its cure. Type 2 diabetes has traditionally been considered a chronic and incurable disease with treatment focussed on [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:16+02:0016 September, 2016|Categories: Diabetes prevention|

Hydration, calories and diabetes: a dangerous triangle

Hydration, calories and diabetes: a dangerous triangle Today we drink more than forty years ago. Despite this our water intake remains similar at the same time that insufficient. Seems quite evident that our hydration patterns have changed and with it also, probably, our risk to suffer several metabolic diseases. Summer: that time of [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:17+02:0019 July, 2016|Categories: Diabetes prevention|
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