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Meat consumption and its relationship with health and type 2 diabetes

Meat consumption and its relationship with health and type 2 diabetes Between carnivores and vegans there is a gray scale perfectly valid to meat consumption. Keep your eyes wide open. The most recent dietary recommendations are quite negative for meat lovers. It is highly recommended to limit its consumption, overall for red meat [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:06+02:002 November, 2017|Categories: Diabetes prevention, Nutrition|

If the vending machine hates you, hate it back!

If the vending machine hates you, hate it back! The presence of the so-called “vending machines” has grown exponentially in the last three decades. Nevertheless, despite its possibilities the inside content tends to be the unhealthiest stuff we may find. Vending machines usually gather in a small place many products with little nutritional [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:07+02:003 October, 2017|Categories: Nutrition|

Guide to understanding food labeling

Guide to understanding food labeling Food labeling becomes a true jumble of ingredients, calories, grams, percentages and other data difficult to interpret. This post will provide you with tools to clarify its meaning. Nothing worse than having information and have no idea of how to understand it. In fact, it can drive us [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:07+02:004 August, 2017|Categories: Diabetes prevention, Nutrition|

Six diabetes and food Myths

Six diabetes and food Myths There are no environments such as health and diet where myths spread like wildfire. And in this area, slimming and diabetes stand out above. By Juan Revenga It is terrible. In a world driven by aesthetics, health is second. There is no way to understand the lack of [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:10+02:0018 July, 2017|Categories: Diabetes prevention, Nutrition|

There is no one diet for diabetes, there are dozens

There is not standard meal plan for people with diabetes, there are dozens Last week I had the privilege of being invited to the XXVIII National Congress of the Spanish Society of Diabetes (SED) with Pablo Zumaquero, a fellow dietitian-nutritionist. We were invited to lead a workshop entitled “Low-fat diets or low-carbohydrate diets?” [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:11+02:0021 April, 2017|Categories: Diabetes prevention, Nutrition|

Sweeteners, Obesity and Diabetes (II): Sweeteners and Type 2 Diabetes

Sweeteners, Obesity and Diabetes (II): Sweeteners and Type 2 Diabetes As we said in the previous post beyond the possible explanations and results that offer doubts about the suitability of sweeteners as an alternative to sugar, other studies have recently been published that directly relate its extensive use with type 2 diabetes in this [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:12+02:008 March, 2017|Categories: Diabetes prevention, Nutrition|

Sweeteners, obesity and diabetes (i): the siege narrows

Sweeteners, obesity and diabetes (i): the siege narrows It has been long time ago that sweeteners have postulated as a healthy option instead of sugar. However, up to date, a growing corpse of evidence points that far from an innocuous substitute sweeteners could be rather harmful. Our biology has an instinctive, atavistic, tendency [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:12+02:008 March, 2017|Categories: Diabetes prevention, Nutrition|

More healthy fats and fewer carbohydrates to reduce type 2 diabetes risk

More healthy fats and fewer carbohydrates to reduce type 2 diabetes risk Including more unsaturated fats, shifting consumption of saturated fats and carbohydrates in the diet helps to reduce blood sugar and insulin levels, also contribute to prevent type 2 diabetes and helps its treatment. The worldwide number of people suffering from type 2 [...]

By |2020-12-07T18:14:12+02:008 March, 2017|Categories: Diabetes prevention, Healthy eating, Nutrition|
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